Gebr. de Nobel

Marktsteeg 8


Date Event Artists
2022-09-10 Northern Alliance 2022 Necrowretch, Kampfar, Taake
2020-03-06 (unnamed event) Scenario II, MaYaN
2018-11-04 Lacuna Coil - The 119 Show Amberian Dawn, Lacuna Coil
2018-10-12 (unnamed event) Acrimonious, Chaos Invocation, Sargeist
2018-09-07 (unnamed event) Stranger Dimensions, Alien Weaponry
2018-03-25 (unnamed event) Miracle Flair, Equilibrium, Dark Tranquillity
2017-04-17 Dark Tranquillity + Omnium Gatherum Nailed to Obscurity, Omnium Gatherum, Dark Tranquillity
2016-03-24 Nargaroth + Noctem Nargaroth, Faanefjell, Conceived by Hate, Noctem
2015-02-07 Ethereal Ethereal, Illucinoma